28 January 2009


Today I'm blogging over at the Pink Heart Society about 'The Call'.

There's been a lot of press in the UK recently about how hedge fund managers are responsible for the demise of the UK economy. Booooo, hissssss. Guess what my (fictional) hero does for a living...


Jackie Ashenden said...

Lovely Call story, Lucy. You so deserve it!

Sorry, you must be feeling I'm living on your blog at the moment! :-) I'm surfing around finding good news to keep my own spirits up.

Lucy King said...

Not at all! After today when I send those revisions in, will be in the same state. We can guzzle virtual gin and hunt for good news together!

Jackie Ashenden said...

Yay! Misery loves company (me being the misery). Your revisions will be great and then you can relax - until you write the next one. :-)

Right, enough of the virtual gin, time to find me a nice glass of wine in real life.

Lucy King said...

Ooohh, a glass of wine sounds tempting, but it's 8.40 am here... Too early?

Lorraine said...

I also turned to your blog for a pick me up. Sadly I think wine might have the opposite effect this early so I'll have to settle for tea and chocolate instead ;-)

Hedge fund managers are really getting the bulk of the vitriol aren't they? Don't worry, I'm sure the press will have moved onto other victims/scapegoats by the time your book comes out :-)

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

That was a great Call story, Lucy.

Most of us won't care what he does for a living just as long as he's gorgous (and I'm sure he is).

Jackie's wine sounds good - but have the school run in about an hour so better just stick to Lorraine's chocolate idea.

Felicity Roger said...

Loved yout call story and especially loved the bit about writing yourself into a mad panic for six weeks. I am there at the moment and my delete button is my best friend. In fact, I keep a file of what I edit out (just in case) and it is almost bigger than the manuscript. But it was great to hear from you that what I am feeling is quite normal. And until I get this manuscript finished, I will only get worse. Yippee. So instead of asking myself will they like it, am I editing out what they wanted left in, is the hero alpha enough, where is the hero...I will first ask myself, where is the gin!